Friday, 26 June 2015

The Queen Among Queens

I don't suppose The Queen was aware of the fact that her visit to the German Capital came at a time when preparations for Berlin's annual Gay Pride Parade ('CSD') were in full swing. As every queen in town has been busy sewing and stitching away to look their best when Saturday comes, she, The Queen would have easily outshone them all!

No homegrown queen can hold a candle to the original, whom I happened to catch a glimpse of this morning while walking Lucas:

I know, from what you see there on the photo, it could be anyone. But it is her (and Prince Philip), and if you look closely, you can just about make out the Royal flag on the Bentley (which she had flown in ahead of her visit).  

She, The Queen is on her way back to the UK now and I must say, an odd visit it has been indeed. Bad enough she was offered a painting by a no-name German artist (Nicola whatshername???) which failed to impress, but President Gauck then had the gall to actually suggest that, "if she doesn't like the painting, there's a always box of candy".

So much for German diplomacy!

To make matters worse, the poor woman was carted about, up and down the River Spree, in a tawdry trawler - all because the trawler was "exactly as old she (The Queen) is". 


And having had the dubious pleasure to sample Miss Merkel's command of English (via YouTube) as she explained to The Queen where she, Merkel, used to live (like The Queen cared!), I have no doubt that President Gauck's (command of English) is even worse.

Sir Simon Rattle, chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonics since 2002

On top of everything else, I consider it deeply embarrassing, that neither Gauck nor Merkel actually had the decency to treat The Queen to a concert of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (whose conductor is, after all, a Brit!), or to a performance at one of Berlin's three opera houses. Nor was there a visit to any of Berlin's fabulous museum on the agenda, though I'm sure The Queen would have much appreciated seeing, for instance, the two Vermeers at the Gemäldegalerie since she owns one herself.

Johannes Vermeer: 'Woman with a Pearl Necklace', Berlin/ Gemäldegalerie 

Though part of me hates harping on about the good old days, I have no doubt that when Germany's former - Oxford educated! - President Richard von Weizsäcker (who died last year) played host to The Queen back in 1992, things were done rather differently. I'm sure that Mr. Weizsäcker's qualities as a host far exceeded those of Mr. Gauck,

And better English he spoke, too!

Richard von Weizsäcker (Germany's President 1984 - 1994) 

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