For the third year now, starting in June and ending on October 3 (German National Holiday), the German Government has been showing a documentary movie & light show on the steps between the Reichstag and the Paul Löbe Building.
The show, which is projected onto the facade of the Marie-Elisabeth Lüders Building on the other side of the river, begins at sunset and lasts around 30 minutes. There's a second show at around 11pm. Told in a nutshell, it's a sort of image film about Germany's history with a focus on the Reichstag and on German democracy and how it evolved.
I saw the show when it first started in 2013. Last night, I just happened to walk past as I was walking Lucas and was so taken by the atmosphere, the many people from all over the world gathering on the Reichstag steps - picnicking, enjoying a few beers or sharing a bottle of wine - that I watched it a second time round, drinking in the vibe and spirit on a sultry summer evening:
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